Equipment and Facilities


Defibrillator – We have a defibrillator in the Practice and certain staff are trained in its use. In addition, all our staff are trained in Resuscitation technique, as part of mandatory annual training.

Hearing Aid Batteries – Patients may get replacement batteries at the surgery if you bring in your current battery for identification.

Diagnostic Equipment – The Practice has various diagnostic equipment including ECG and computerised spirometry.



The surgery was purpose built in 2002 and has well-appointed consultation and waiting rooms, a minor surgery room, and separate rooms for clinics. Much of the practice benefits from air conditioning.

Wherever possible we will provide a facility for confidential conversations between patients and reception staff.

We are pleased to be able to offer our patients the best in comfort and care.

No Smoking

The entire premises and grounds are a no smoking area by law and in the interest of your health. You should value your health, try to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and minimise risks.


  • Mobile Telephones: We ask you to turn your mobile telephone off please whilst in the surgery. Thank you for your consideration of other patients.
  • Home Telephones: Please ensure that your home telephone can receive our return calls – otherwise you will be asked to telephone the surgery.

Please ensure all telephone numbers are up to date, in case we need to contact you.


Please keep children quiet and under control so as not to disturb other patients.

Thank you for considering the other patients.